Who | Dina Blade & Hans Brehmer's Jazz Vocal Performance Class Student Recital |
When |
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Where |
1707 NW Market St.
Seattle, WA |
Other Info | A fun and lively evening when five wonderfully talented vocalists perform four songs each with the Hans Brehmer Jazz Trio for cheering friends and family. Vocalists are: Laura Alisanne, Misha Schiavo, Libby graham, Lee Robinson and Chris Siffert. Come hungry and thirsty and in the mood for some great music! |
Seattle click for info, , WA – 09/22/12 – Lakeside Bistro – \\\”La de dum \\\’Tis Autumn\\\” show
Who | "La de dum 'Tis Autumn" show |
When |
Saturday, September 22, 2012
All Ages
Where |
11425 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 981781
Seattle click for info, , WA 98178 Lakeside Bistro is Seattle's Trendsetting French-Vietnamese Restaurant with a great atmosphere of elegance and small town friendliness, plus delicious French-Vietnamese cuisine. |
Other Info | Pianist Hans Brehmer and I will be celebrating the first day of the fall season with our favorite autumn songs and more... |
Seattle, WA click here for more info – 09/14/12 – Egan\’s (\”Ballard Jam House\”) – JAZZ ON TAP
When |
Friday, September 14, 2012
Where |
1707 NW Market St.
Seattle, WA |
Other Info | Subtitled “What you hear is what you get” with Dina Blade voice, Hans Brehmer piano/voice, Jim Knodle trumpet & Jessie Sawyers voice/feet in a concert of music and dance. Some good old jazz standards, an original tune premiered and a generous dose of playful exchange. Come hungry and thirsty & in the mood for some great music! Popular jazz standards explored! Unlikely gems rediscovered! Original tunes premiered! All AGES $10 cover |
Seattle, Wa click here for more info – 09/09/12 – Maple Leaf Studio – Jazz Vocal Performance class begins
Who | Jazz Vocal Performance class begins |
When |
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Where |
Maple Leaf Studio (map)
Seattle, Wa 98115
Other Info | The class will be held in the evening from 5 to 8pm on alternate Sundays in September and October: 9/9, 9/23, 10/7, and 10/21. The recital will be at Egan’s Ballard Jam House on Tuesday, October 23rd at 7pm. http://www.ballardjamhouse.com/index.html Cost is $225, is first come-first served, and limited to 5 students. Bios: Dina Blade has an innovative and playful approach to teaching vocals. Her main goal is to inspire singers to have a great time regardless of background, age or ability. With a music and dance performing background that spans over three decades, Dina helps unravel the mysteries of vocalization and performance techniques so that students gain not only a well rounded comprehension of the basics, but most importantly, a desire to get out there and sing! Hans Brehmer is a pianist, singer, songwriter, and arranger, and considers accompanying singers to be an art form with its own unique demands. Hans has worked for many years as an accompanist for the jazz vocal department at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, and has been working with Dina for 9 years. He has a warm presence combined with infectious enthusiasm, and is always full of surprises! For additional info and more reviews from students: http://www.dinablade.com/teaching/ |