Seattle click for info – 03/31/11 – West Seattle Christian Church – Neighborhood Hoedown with Dina Blade and the Canotes

Neighborhood Hoedown with Dina Blade and the Canotes
Thursday, March 31, 2011
7:00pm - All Ages
West Seattle Christian Church (map)
4400 42nd Ave SW (West Seattle)
Seattle click for info
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Meet & Greet: 6:30 pm
Open Mic!
Tell us your issues
7:00 - 8:30 pm
$3 person/family refreshments and door prizes

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Seattle, WA click here for more info – 03/27/11 – Century Ballroom – Quartet Chassez at the Century Ballroom\’s Waltz Cafe Tea Dance

Quartet Chassez at the Century Ballroom's Waltz Cafe Tea Dance
Sunday, March 27, 2011
1:00pm - All Ages Buy Tickets
915 E. Pine St.
Seattle, WA click here for more info

Happy Summer, Waltz Lover --

Just a reminder: The August Waltz Cafe sneaks up on us earlier than we think: The dance is next Sunday, August 22. at the Century Ballroom. Seems like it ought to be later in the calendar, but these quirks happen when the 1st of any month falls on a Sunday.

Now that you've been alerted, we hope you won't miss Quartet Chassez -- with Dina Blade's lush vocals, Terry Wergeland's dreamy piano, and, of course, the musical savvy of those longtime dance-hall pros, Phil and Vivian Williams.

As usual, the Waltz Cafe starts at 1 p.m. and goes until 3:30. Like last month, when the weather was sunny and hot outside, the Century Ballroom's efficient system of exhaust fans kept us dancers cool and happy -- so don't let some August sunshine keep you from this joyous little dance.

Cost is still just $10, parking is (still) free on Sundays, and like clockwork The Tin Table opens at 3 p.m. just across the hall for drinks and fab food.

For more info about Quartet Chassez or to see which musicians come next to the Waltz Cafe, please go to our website:

Other Info
Quartet Chassez -- with Dina Blade's lush vocals, Terry Wergeland's dreamy piano, and, of course, the musical savvy of those longtime dance-hall pros, Phil and Vivian Williams, plays for waltzes, fox trots and swing dancing.

As usual, the Waltz Cafe starts at 1 p.m. and goes until 3:30.
Cost is still just $10, parking is (still) free on Sundays, and like clockwork The Tin Table opens at 3 p.m. just across the hall for drinks and fab food.

For more info about Quartet Chassez or to see which musicians come next to the Waltz Cafe, please go to our website:

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Rio Branco, Acre – 03/23/11 – Cafe Porao – Dina Blade/vox e violao with the Blue Note Trio

Dina Blade/vox e violao with the Blue Note Trio
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
8:00pm - All Ages
Cafe Porao (map)
Rua Benjamin Constant
Edificio Santos- Centro
Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil
Other Info
Dina Blade, cantora norte-americana realiza show de jazz e bossa nova, no Cafe Porao, accompanhada pelo grupo musical Blue Note Trio: CA Benjamin (baixo), Paulinho Nobre (bateria), e Geraldo Aguino (violao). Com sua verve jazzistica, Dina, voz e violao, apresentara um repertorio com classicos como So Danco Saba, Wave, Garota De Ipanema, Fly Me To The Moon entre outras.

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Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil click for info – 03/08/11 – Rio Branco – Boca de Mulher / Dia Internacionale de Mulher

Boca de Mulher / Dia Internacionale de Mulher
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
TBD - All Ages Buy Tickets
Rio Branco (map)
Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil click for info
Other Info
Carnival! Dia Internacionale de Mulher!
I am honored to be part of Voices of Women at the International Women's Day celebrations as part of Carnival in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil.

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