Hello friends! We are oh-so-slowly inching toward spring, and to maintain sanity of late, I have been turning on all the lights and dancing the samba through the rooms of my house to blaring Brazilian Carnaval music. This simple act has proven to be a powerful antidote to the winter doldrums, because, like magic, the sun always comes out (in my heart, at least). Since the new year began, I have been a part of many delightful and satisfying performance opportunities: the dazzling Masquerade Ball XII, a successful Climate Change Fundraiser, a plethora of shows for Seniors (including a Winter Ball), and dancer Denise’s fabulous 70th birthday party blow-out. Sending a heartfelt shout out to my supremely talented musical cohorts, the warm, wonderful local dance community as well as the organizers and volunteers who breathe life into these enjoyable events. Last but certainly not least, thanks to all of you for your continued support of live music! Keep Clam and I sincerely hope to see you soon (Valentine’s Day, perhaps?). Best wishes and warm hugs, Dina (photo credit: Peter Shaw)